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Xiaomi announced many new products yesterday when they launched the Xiaomi Mix Fold 2. Most of which were pretty cool. However, what turned out to be the highlight of the show was their first full-size humanoid robot revealed, called the CyberOne.

The unveiling of the CyberOne humanoid robot came out of nowhere. Few people were aware that Xiaomi was planning to unveil their humanoid robot at the event. This is not the Chinese tech giant’s first launch of a robotic product. The company previously unveiled a CyberDog, a mechanized dog-like robot.

Since the product launch, there have been rumors that Xiaomi was working on a humanoid robot, but these rumors were never substantiated.

As per Xiaomi, the CyberOne is a full-scale humanoid bionic robot that is 177cm tall and weighs 52kg. It has been nicknamed “Metal bro” and given a zodiac sign, Leo. The robot’s face is made of a curved OLED panel, and it can see the world in 3D. For hearing, it has two microphones.

It is equipped with Xiaomi’s self-developed whole-body control algorithm, which can coordinate the movement of 21 joints. Further, the humanoid robot can interpret 45 human semantic emotions and distinguish 85 environmental semantics. The robot is claimed to learn new skills each day.

The CyberOne humanoid robot, according to Xiaomi, combines sophisticated mechatronics and artificial intelligence created by the company’s specialized Robot Labs.

CyberOne is just a first-gen product, and most of its aspects are still in development, so comparing it to something we have seen from Boston Dynamics wouldn’t be fair. However, what Xiaomi’s robot has done, is that they have beaten Tesla’s humanoid prototype.

Xiaomi’s CyberOne Robot would cost somewhere in the range of 600,000 to 700,000 yuan (about $89,100 to $104,000), and it’s not commercialized yet.

Robots still feel that they are a part of a dystopian dream and often remind naysayers of scenes from movies like The Terminator more than they would remind someone of robots from Wall-E. However, the recent innovations in the field suggest that the future will be full of automated gadgets and robots.

Like it or not, robots will become a part of daily lives. That is why tech companies are working not just on mechanical, industry-specific robots but more and more on general-purpose humanoid robots that would assimilate better with society.

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