WhatsApp has now expanded its voice calling feature to smart feature phones. The messaging app has joined hands with KaiOS Technologies to allow people to make internet-based voice calls on their KaiOS-based feature phones worldwide. The new feature will allow people to make VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls using Wi-Fi or mobile data. WhatsApp calling is available on feature phones that run on KaiOS, have 512 GB of RAM, and the latest WhatsApp version 2.2110.41.
This includes the popular JioPhone, Nokia 8110 4G, and many more in India. All you need to do is open the chatbox, Options>Voice call.
Commenting on the same, Matt Idema, COO of WhatsApp, said, “People are relying on WhatsApp now more than ever to communicate and stay in touch with their loved ones. We want to support communities that are on lighter operating systems in many places around the world. Bringing WhatsApp voice calls to KaiOS-enabled devices helps us connect the world privately through a service that is simple, reliable and accessible to everyone – no matter what kind of mobile device they’re using”.
For the uninitiated, WhatsApp was made available for KaiOS-based feature phones back in 2019 in select markets.