Volvo Car India on Tuesday said it has come up with a ‘lifetime parts warranty’ scheme for its customers in the country. The customer lifetime parts warranty applies to genuine parts bought and installed at an authorized Volvo workshop starting 1 October 2021. Under the warranty scheme, both the parts and the labor cost are covered, as long as the affected part requires repair/replacement due to a material or manufacturing defect.
The scheme is valid from the time of the purchase of the part and remains till the time the ownership of the car does not change. Interestingly, this scheme will not protect parts replaced while the vehicle is still covered by its original or extended warranty. This initiative is also not covered are usual wear-and-tear parts, consumables, batteries, accessories, and software not associated with a hardware replacement.
“It is for the first time in India that such an initiative has been offered to luxury customers. This is a unique offer in the automotive industry that gives the customer carefree and secure car ownership,” Volvo Car India Managing Director Jyoti Malhotra stated.
“The warranty commences on the date of purchase of the part and will follow the combination of car and car owner. If the car has a new registered owner, the warranty will end,” Malhotra noted.
Volvo Cars established its presence in India in 2007 and currently sells the S60 and S90 sedans and the XC40, XC60, and XC90 SUVs through 25 dealerships across the country. The company was set to launch its first electric vehicle in the Volvo XC40 Recharge in October but had to delay the launch to 2022 due to the global semiconductor shortage.