Volkswagen India has added a new variant to the Polo line-up, making the automatic version of the premium hatchback more accessible. The Volkswagen Polo Comfortline TSI automatic has been launched, priced at Rs 8.51 lakh (ex-showroom) for the non-metallic paint version, and opting for metallic paint adds a further Rs 10,000 to the price. So far, the Polo automatic was only available in fully-loaded Highline Plus and GT forms. Still, introducing an automatic option with the Comfortline variant means the entry point to the automatic range has been lowered by a considerable Rs 1.09 lakh.
Interestingly, the Volkswagen Polo Comfortline automatic is already available with a discount of Rs 17,000 that brings its price down to Rs 8.34 lakh, an offer that is valid for June.
The automatic version of the Polo Comfortline packs automatic climate control, a 7.0-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a Blaupunkt sound system, 15-inch ‘Razor’ alloy wheels, electrically-adjustable outside rear-view mirrors, remote central locking, all four power windows, two airbags, and ABS.
Paired with the 1.0-liter TSI turbo-petrol engine – which makes 110 hp and 175 Nm of torque – is a six-speed torque converter automatic transmission.
Five color options are available for the Volkswagen Polo Comfortline automatic – Flash Red, Sunset Red, Candy White, Reflex Silver, and Carbon Steel.