VAIO has launched its new laptop, the VAIO Z, in India, which is the world’s first 3-D moulded carbon fibre laptop. Available only on Amazon India, the laptop is priced at Rs 3,52,990 and comes with all-around carbon fibre protection. As per a press release, it is lightweight (weighing in at under one kilo) yet has a tough body thanks to its carbon fibre construction, a material used extensively in exotic, high-performance vehicles. With carbon protection, the tech company aims to make the laptop carry-friendly and ensure durability in different environments while also strengthening user privacy.
The laptop features 11th generation Intel Core processors, new Intel integrated graphics, a 14-inch display with a high-definition 4K LCD panel, Dolby Audio speakers, camera shutter, and mic mute shortcuts for privacy, as well as a 180-degree open-and-close screen for smoother collaborations. Another feature of the laptop includes face authentication, which saves users the hassle of remembering a password and frees them from the fear of unauthorized use of their laptop.
Speaking about the launch, Alex Chung, CEO, Nexstgo Company Limited, said, “We take all the pride in the world to introduce the world’s first 3D-contoured carbon fibre laptop, VAIO Z, in India. With over a decade of relentless carbon fibre research, VAIO has succeeded in creating and mass-producing the world’s first 3D-moulded full carbon chassis for laptop PCs”.
With this launch, VAIO aims to accelerate its market penetration and hopefully start its laptop PC developments line soon.