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European Union lawmakers have come to a consensus and passed a law that all electronic devices sold after Autumn 2024 must be equipped with the universal USB-C port for wired charging.

While this may not be an issue for most tech companies, several experts believe this may be a blow to Apple since most of the legislation is aimed at Apple and its insistence on using its proprietary Lightning port.

Apple has had a separate revenue stream, thanks to its Lightning port, for a long time, hence the reluctance to switch to USB-C for some of its most popular devices, like the iPhones and AirPods.

Apple provides USB-C charging on several of its devices – certain MacBooks and iPads come with USB-C charging. However, these are not the products that Apple sells in high numbers.

The iPhones, AirPods, and Apple Watch that Apple sells the most devices do not use the universal standard.

By controlling how some of its most selling products are charged, Apple has created a healthy revenue stream from the most unlikely of places – chargers and charging cables.

Even if a user buys a third-party Lightning cable from a different manufacturer, the manufacturer has to pay Apple a licensing fee to be able to use the Lightning port.

No matter how one looks at it, you end up paying Apple in some way or another when you buy a new charger for your iPhone, AirPods, or Apple Watch.

EU hopes that thanks to its new legislation, they have made a standard charger a reality for Europe and the world. That, unfortunately, is not true. Not only are there different standards within USB-C itself, but several smartphone manufacturers are also moving away from wired charging altogether. And guess which tech company is at the forefront of that.

Apple has made no qualms about the fact that they want to get rid of all ports from personal devices. Apple has been trying to get rid of its Lightning port and replace it with a wireless charger for a long time.

Even though it was late to the bandwagon that wireless charging has become, the tech company has adopted the technology much more efficiently than most of its Android-based counterparts.

There also have been rumors that the iPhone 15 will get rid of the Lightning port and rely only on wireless charging. The only thing the EU’s 2024 deadline has managed to do is give Apple a deadline to eliminate the Lightning cable.

There is a possibility, albeit a very tiny one, that Apple will switch over to the USB-C standard. They did so for some of the iPads as well as some Macs.

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