Telegram has launched a new update in which many advanced features have been introduced, including group video calls, noise suppression in voice chats, screen sharing, animated backgrounds, a Bot Menu, and many more. The new group video calling feature allows users to convert their voice chats into group video calls by tapping on the “Share my video” option during an active session. The group video chat option is now available for the first 30 users who join the voice chat. The feature allows users to have a smooth experience during online classes, business meetings, and virtual family gatherings.
The Screen Sharing feature allows users to experience a better business-related collaboration by tapping on the menu button and pressing the screen sharing option followed by app permission.
The tablet and desktop support allow more screen space for tablets and computers with more display options. After tapping, users can open the side panel, after which a split-screen view of the video grid and a list of participants can be seen. It is optimized for both portrait and landscape orientation. In the desktop version, voice chats open in a separate window, allowing users to type and talk without minimizing anything.
Telegram now has animated backgrounds as well with various pre-installed default themes. Users can also create their customized animated background by choosing three or four colors to unlock the animation and adding an optional pattern for extra style.
Telegram has also added a new special menu button to make communication with bots easier for users. The button helps users in browsing and sending commands. As a part of the latest update, bot developers will be able to create commands which can be changed based on a user’s interface language, chat type, and special commands.
Telegram has also introduced a noise suppression feature for users to amplify the voice quality during a live voice chat. Android users can now send stickers and emojis seamlessly from keyboards into the chat window. In an interface change for iOS users, Telegram has launched transparent backgrounds partially visible in chats through headers and footers.
The new animated emojis login info reminders help keep a user’s phone number up to date on the app. In case of a change in phone number, users can update it from the new reminder in Settings on iOS.