Soundcore has introduced a new product in its ANC series – Life Dot 2 ANC. The earphones are priced at Rs 7,999 on Flipkart. It will soon also be available in other retail stores. As per Soundcore, the earphone can offer a playtime of 35 hours with an Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) feature. The ANC on the Life Dot 2 earphone includes targeted active noise canceling. Life Dot 2 ANC sports an 11 mm driver. The company claims the earphones generate 50 percent more bass than its predecessor, and almost 90 percent of the environmental noise gets eliminated.
The earbuds have 6 beam-forming microphones along with a noise-canceling algorithm. Life Dot 2 ANC also supports fast charging technology by Anker. The earphone’s noise cancellation features works in three modes – transport, outdoor and indoor. When Life Dot 2 ANC is used in the transport mode, it blocks out lower frequencies. When the earpods are used in indoor mode, mild-range sounds like voices in an office are reduced.
Commenting on the launch of the new earbuds, Gopal Jeyaraj, Country Head of Anker Innovations, said that they received a fantastic response to their recently launched Liberty Air2 Pro, especially from those who are working from home. As per Gopal, the company has introduced Life Dot 2 ANC after seeing the positive response for Liberty Air2 Pro. Speaking about the latest earbuds, the Country Head said they are rich in specifications and perfect money.