Samsung has launched a new pick-up and drops service for mobile devices due to its various contactless service offerings in India. To ensure consumers’ safety and convenience, Samsung’s new service has started in 46 cities across India, as per a press release. The pick-up and drop service is only for mobile and tablet repair and can be availed at a minimal charge of Rs 199 and Rs 99, respectively, as per the press release. For customers, the option for online payment is also available.
The service is currently available in cities including Delhi, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Noida, Chandigarh, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, and more – for non-containment zones that fall municipal limits and with adherence to curfew rules imposed in each state, if any.
To avail of the service, customers can register for their Galaxy A, Galaxy M, Galaxy S, Galaxy F, Galaxy Note, and Galaxy Fold series smartphones and tablets. After the registration is done, a Samsung service personnel will pick up and drop the device at the customer’s doorstep. Every Samsung personnel will follow all the safety protocols (wearing a mask, following social distancing, etc.). Only-drop service can also be availed by customers who visit the Samsung service centers to get their mobile devices delivered to their home after it is repaired. The motive behind this service is not to let the consumers step out of the safety and comfort of their homes to get their devices serviced.“The new pick-up and drop & drop the only service will allow consumers to get their mobile devices serviced without stepping out of their homes, especially in the current situation. We are confident our wide service network and many contactless service options will help deepen our consumer connection while providing greater convenience. We are hoping consumers will utilize the pick-up and drop service while they stay home and stay safe,” said Sunil Cutinha, Vice President, Customer Service, Samsung India.
The tech giant offers several contactless service options to help consumers resolve their issues at their homes. They can opt for Remote Support, WhatsApp, Live Chat, technical assistance through the call center, or access do-it-yourself videos on the Samsung Website and YouTube.