Samsung has launched Galaxy M32 in India today at the starting price of Rs 14,999. The smartphone joins the company’s M-series that include Galaxy M31, Galaxy M31s, Galaxy M51. and more. In terms of highlights, the smartphone comes with a 6,000 mAh battery that supports 25 W fast charging, a 64 MP quad rear camera setup, and a 90 Hz refresh rate display.
Samsung Galaxy M32 pricing, availability, sale offers
Samsung Galaxy M32 comes in two storage variants. The 4 GB RAM + 64 GB internal storage variant is priced at Rs 14,999 and the 6 GB RAM + 128 GB storage variant will cost you Rs 16,999. It comes in black and light blue color options.
It will go on sale on 28 June at 12 pm on Amazon,, and all key retail stores. As for sale offers, buyers can get an instant cashback of Rs 1,250 on ICICI cards.
Samsung Galaxy M32 specifications
Samsung Galaxy M32 features a 6.4-inch FHD+ Infinity-U AMOLED display that comes with a 90 Hz refresh rate and 2400 x 1080 pixel resolution. It is powered by MediaTek Helio g80 chipset and offers up to 6 GB RAM and 128 GB of internal storage.
In terms of camera, Galaxy M32 comes with a quad rear camera setup that houses a 64 MP primary sensor, an 8 MP ultra-wide-angle lens, a 2 MP macro lens, and a 2 MP depth sensor. For selfies, it sports a 20 MP front camera.
The smartphone is equipped with a 6,000 mAh battery that supports 25 W fast charging. Notably, the smartphone comes with a 15 W fast charger in the box.