Qualcomm has launched a trimmed-down version of Snapdragon 780G SoC called Snapdragon 778G chipset. The chipset uses 6 nm fabrication and will be used in upcoming premium mid-range smartphones by brands like Motorola, Xiaomi, Realme, Honor, Oppo, and iQOO in the coming months. It comes with “Snapdragon Elite Gaming features” that allow users to get “fully immersive gameplay with realistic graphics.”
The Snapdragon 778G chipset also comes with Qualcomm Spectra 570L Triple ISP that has the ability to capture from three different cameras simultaneously. Qualcomm reveals that the chipset also supports HDR10+ for a better cinematic experience.
Notably, Realme has already announced that Realme’s upcoming smartphone, codenamed “Quicksilver,” will the company’s first handset to be powered by the new Snapdragon 778G chipset. It is likely to launch soon in India.