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OpenAI, Meta’s new AI model can ‘reason and plan’ on its own, get one step closer to AGI

OpenAI and Meta are ready to launch their new artificial intelligence models, which pushes them one step closer to AGI, or artificial general intelligence. Meta and OpenAI claim that their latest AI models have made significant strides towards achieving superhuman cognitive abilities in machines, particularly regarding reasoning and planning.

Executives from both OpenAI and Meta have announced that they will launch their new large language models soon.

Meta has announced that it will soon release the third iteration of its LLaMA model in the upcoming weeks, while OpenAI, which has Microsoft as one of its biggest investors, is planning to launch its AI model, tentatively named GPT-5, sometime in the near future, as per a report by The Financial Times.

Joelle Pineau, Meta’s VP of AI research, emphasized the companies’ efforts to advance these models beyond mere conversation toward genuine reasoning, planning, and memory capabilities. “We are hard at work in figuring out how to get these models not just to talk, but actually to reason, to plan . . . to have memory,” he told FT.

On the other hand, Brad Lightcap, OpenAI’s COO, revealed that the upcoming iteration of GPT will be great for completing challenging tasks such as reasoning, indicating a shift towards AI systems that can tackle more complex tasks in a sophisticated manner.

While current AI systems are lovely at working on singular tasks, they remain limited in their capabilities, as noted by Lightcap. The upgrades from Meta and OpenAI are part of a broader trend, with other tech giants like Google, Anthropic, and Cohere also rolling out new large language models this year that go far beyond what traditional LLMs have been capable of.

Reasoning and planning are pivotal for achieving artificial general intelligence, as they enable AI systems to complete sequences of tasks and anticipate outcomes, moving beyond rudimentary word generation.

Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief AI scientist, highlighted the significance of reasoning for AI models, stating that current systems cannot often plan and think critically, resulting in errors.

Meta intends to integrate its new AI model into platforms like WhatsApp and Ray-Ban smart glasses, offering diverse model sizes tailored for various applications and devices.

OpenAI, meanwhile, is expected to provide more details on the next version of GPT soon, focusing on enhancing the models’ reasoning capabilities for more intricate tasks.

Both companies envision AI assistants seamlessly integrating into daily life, offering support ranging from troubleshooting broken appliances to planning travel itineraries, revolutionizing human-computer interactions.

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