OnePlus has announced the Buds Pro price in India and revealed details of when it will go on sale. The Chinese tech giant’s latest truly wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds were launched abroad last month and are an upgrade over last year’s One Plus Buds, offering active noise cancellation (ANC) and feature support for fast charging. Like the AirPods Pro, the earbuds sport an all-new design with glossy stems to support pressure inputs. The OnePlus Buds Pro competes with Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro, Jabra Elite 85t, Oppo Enco X, and the Google Pixel Buds A-series.
The One Plus Buds Pro will be available in Glossy White and Matte Black color variants. Sales will begin on Amazon India,, OnePlus offline stores and partner retail stores starting 26 August at noon. The OnePlus Buds Pro will be available for Rs 9,990 here, meaning that they’re more affordable in India than in Europe, where they’re listed for €149 (roughly Rs 13,000).
As far as specifications are concerned, the OnePlus Buds Pro has Dolby Atmos support, 11 mm dynamic drivers, and Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity. It also comes with adaptive noise cancellation, including three modes: Extreme, Faint, and Smart. Extreme mode cancels the noise for up to 40 DB, while Faint mode will do so for 25 dB. Smart mode automatically responds and adjusts to the ambient noise while also compensating for surrounding noises. The earbuds come with three microphones to align with the preset modes and use noise-filtering software algorithms to block unwanted noise. When using Pro Gaming mode, the earbuds have a latency rate of as low as 94 milliseconds.
The earbuds have a proprietary feature named the OnePlus Audio ID to calibrate sound profiles and offer user-specific sound settings. The charging case of the OnePlus Buds Pro comes with IPX4-grade water resistance. The earbuds, too, have an IP55-rated build for both dust and water resistance.
The OnePlus Buds Pro can last up to 38 hours on a single charge with the charging case. The earbuds also deliver 10 hours of playback time on a 10-minute charge using Warp Charge. The charging case supports Qi standard-based wireless charging.