Indian connected lifestyle brand Noise has introduced its smartwatch, called the NoiseFit Core, in India. The smartwatch falls in the budget price range and comes with several features, including IP68 water resistance. The NoiseFit Core is made up of zinc alloy metal and features a lightweight design. It comes in two color options, namely, Charcoal Black and Silver Grey.
The NoiseFit Core smartwatch comes with a price tag of Rs 2,999 and is now available for purchase on the company’s website.
NoiseFit Core specifications and features
The NoiseFit Core comes with a 1.28-inch TFT display with a screen resolution of 240 x 240 pixels. It also has access to several personalized cloud-based watch faces. It comes with a physical button on the right side of the dial for easy navigation across the watch’s User Interface (UI).
The smartwatch comes with a heart rate sensor, 13 sports modes, Bluetooth version 5 support, and support for the NoiseFit app.
Talking about the launch, Gaurav Khatri, Co-Founder, Noise, said, “Everyone at Noise seeks to provide our consumers with products that are specifically tailored to meet their demands. We aim to unleash the limitless possibilities of technology and budget, which redefine smartwatches.” Khatri added that with the launch of NoiseFit Core, “We strive to provide the customer with an affordable yet professional, technologically driven smart wearable experience.” He also said that the company hopes “to keep up with our endeavor of making smart technology accessible to everyone.”
It comes with a 285 mAh battery, which can last up to 7 days on a single charge and 30 days on standby. Users can also access weather updates, calls, and messages. They can also control the camera and music playback via the smartwatch. Additionally, it is compatible with both Android (version 7 and above) and iOS (version 9.0 and above).