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LG Display showcased a rather odd new piece of tech that they hope will be adopted worldwide soon. They are showcasing the “Transparent OLED for Subway Trains” at InnoTrans 2022, the world’s largest trade fair for transport technology. LG hopes the new OLED panel replaces traditional windows in Metro trains and subways worldwide.

As a part of LG’s pilot program, two cities in China have already replaced the windows on some subway routes.

The Beijing (Line 6) and Shenzhen (Line 10) subway trains have been upgraded to replace some windows with 55-inch transparent OLED displays.

The technology uses specialized tempered glass that gives its transparent OLED displays increased strength and durability to withstand vibrations and substantial impacts, according to LG Display, allowing it to replace standard train windows. The company suggests some practical applications for the tech, such as displaying maps, news, and weather forecasts on screen while transparent, thereby retaining its use as an actual window.

The main draw will be for advertising, as rail corporations will try to recoup the cost of installing these panels but also eke out a nice profit.

LG is using the train upgrades as a way of demonstrating how important the company believes transparent displays are set to be. “The application of transparent displays will become more diverse,” said Dr. Chang-ho Oh, Senior Vice President & Head of the TV Business Unit at LG Display. “LG Display aims to supply products to a wide range of industries in line with its vision as the leading display solution provider.”

The two lines in Beijing and Shenzhen are just the start, with LG planning to expand the use of its transparent displays to more subways and will work closely with train glass manufacturers to speed up deployment. LG also sees the technology used in self-driving cars, airplanes, and smart homes/buildings in the future.

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