To make things easier for users during the ongoing pandemic, Jio users will now be able to get several services via WhatsApp, including recharging their mobile number, port-in new SIM, and more. This applies to JioFiber and JioMart payments as well. All users need to save the “70 00 77 0007” number and text a simple “Hi” from your Jio number on WhatsApp. The bot will then open a catalog of services available via WhatsApp.
These services include Jio SIM recharge, get new Jio sim or port-in (MNP), support for Jio sim, support for JioFiber, support for international roaming, and support for JioMart.
Jio users can also raise complaints and get answers to their queries via the messaging platform. Users will also be able to see COVID-19 vaccination-related information via this bot. Notably, users will also have options for different payment methods, including e-wallets, UPI, credit and debit cards, and so on. Currently, the service is available in Hindi and English languages, and soon it will offer more Indian languages.