Reliance Jio has added another prepaid scheme to its long list of connectivity plans in India. The Rs 3,499 package is a long-term plan that will last for quite some time. The new Rs 3,499 plan is an annual plan and comes with a validity of 365 days. It provides people with 3GB of 4G of data per day. This sums up to 1,095 GB of data in total. Even if a user deletes the specified data, they can still use more data at a reduced speed of 64 kbps.
The plan offers users unlimited voice calling and free 100 SMSes a day. It also lets users access various Jio apps such as JioTV, JioCinema, JioNews, JioSecurity, and JioCloud.
The new plan is an addition to existing annual plans. There are the Rs 2,399 and Rs 2,599 plans that also have a validity of 365 days. Both offer 2 GB of data per day, unlimited calls, 100 SMSes a day, and access to Jio apps. The only difference is the Rs 2,599 prepaid plan (2 GB/day) also comes with a free, year-long Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription. Sadly, this isn’t the case with the new Rs 3,499 plan.
To recap, Jio recently launched new Freedom prepaid plans. All the plans come with no daily data limit. There are five plans: Rs 127, Rs 247, Rs 447, Rs 597, and the Rs 2,397 pack.
The Rs 2,397 plan is another annual prepaid plan that comes with unlimited calls, 100 SMSes a day, and a total of 365 GB of 4G data. As usual, this, too, provides access to several Jio apps.