Facebook has revealed that during the Tokyo Olympics 2020 (which ran from 23 July to 8 August), India was the ‘loudest’ country in the world. In simple words, Facebook received the most engagement from users in India during the course of the Games. India was followed by the United States, Brazil, Philippines, and Mexico. Gold medalist Neeraj Chopra was the second-most-mentioned athlete globally during the Games on Facebook, while Simone Biles, an American artistic gymnast, occupied first. Athletes including Hidilyn Diaz, Suni Lee, and Tom Daley were also among the most-mentioned athletes on Facebook.
Instagram further revealed that in terms of Indian athletes, Neeraj Chopra gained the most number of followers on the platform during the Olympics. Chopra’s Instagram account witnessed a 1,900 percent jump in followers, and he now has a total of 3.2 million followers. Badminton ace PV Sindhu and decorated boxer MC Mary Kom stood second and third, respectively.
During the Tokyo Olympics 2020 on Facebook, the most mentioned sports were track and field, gymnastics, rowing, boxing, and swimming.