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‘I reached my destination, you too,’ says ISRO in jubilation over Chandrayaan 3 success

ISRO and India etched themselves into history forever, as Chandryaan 3 became the first moon mission ever to land on the successful pole.

Commemorating the moment, ISRO tweeted, gladly announcing, “Chandrayaan-3 has soft-landed on the moon.”

The entire landing procedure operated with remarkable precision. As ISRO had predicted, the Vikram Lander module initiated its separation from the Propulsion Module at 5:44 PM. Subsequently, it descended towards the lunar surface and eventually made a successful touchdown at precisely 6:04 PM.

As a result of this achievement, India has become the first nation to land on the Moon’s southern pole effectively.

Moon’she main mission
With the critical component of the Chandrayaan 3 mission effectively managed, the focal phase of Pragyan, India’s Lunar Rover, is now commencing.

Over the upcoming fortnight, the Pragyan Rover will diligently examine the moon’s soil compositioMoon’s compositioMoon’sographical features and atmospheric conditions to identify essential minerals. A paramount pursuit involves searching for Helium-3, an essentially boundless and clean energy reservoir that is important for our sustainable energy initiatives. Throughout its exploration of the lunar south pole, the Pragyan Rover will also conduct investigations to uncover water ice reserves, pivotal for upcoming missions, especially those of interplanetary nature.

Setting sights on the Sun
Following the successful landing of the Vikram Lander as part of the Chandrayaan 3 mission, ISRO’s focus now turns to the Sun. ISRO is actively preparing for the launch of India’s inaugural space-based Sun observatory, named Aditya-L1. This satellite has been transported to ISRO’s space launch facility at Sriharikota, poised for liftoff at the culmination of August or early September.

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