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On World Password Day on 6 May, Google announced that it would soon make two-factor authentication (2FA) a default setting. With the change, Google emphasized the fact that passwords alone won’t keep your accounts secure. Google says 2FA is an important feature to ensure the right person logs into an account. This will soon be made mandatory for all Google accounts.

For the uninitiated, 2FA is a way of signing into an account with the help of a prompt that appears on a person’s smartphone. This refrains hackers from accessing people’s accounts. This is a security method Google has been following for years and is one of the various security features – like the Smart Lock app and security keys – the company uses.

Furthermore, the blog post talks about passwords as they are still integral to keeping things secure. Many social media platforms such as Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Facebook apps use the method to keep the platform safe for users.

Google suggests that passwords are most susceptible to security threats and hence, should be protected. For this, it’s safe to use password managers that are available for Android, iOS, and web users. There’s a free password manager by Google, which includes a Security Checkup to ensure your password is safe.

Google also suggests various ways to keep passwords safe. It is advised that people should hash their passwords and not block long and complex passwords. For more tips on how to maintain your security, you can visit the Google blog post.

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