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It wouldn’t be farfetched to say that Meta has a strange relationship with one of its most successful properties, Instagram. Meta seems to be hell-bent on milking everything on Instagram as much as possible – that is why it wants the image and video-sharing platform to become more like TikTok and revolutionize what people think of short from videos and how people consume it. And yet, Meta refuses to do that one thing that Instagram users, mainly social media managers, desperately want – make an Instagram app for tablets and iPad.

Instagram started as an iPhone-only app for sharing photos almost 12 years ago, around the same time the iPad was launched. And apart from making an app that lets users browse Instagram in its web version, neither Meta nor Instagram have done much in terms of a dedicated tablet version of the App.

The need for a tablet or iPad version of the App
Instagram and all social media platforms have become massive arenas for advertisements. Some of the most prominent users on the forum, from micro-influencers to proper mega stars, have dedicated teams that manage the social media presence of these stars. Unlike most other social media platforms, Instagram doesn’t work that well on desktops or Macs, and of course, it doesn’t work well on an iPad. This alone should be a big enough reason for Instagram to make a dedicated app for tablets and iPads.

Secondly, some of the tablets, especially the latest iPads from Apple, are powerful enough to substitute laptops and Macbooks. Not only are people using this to surf the web and do basic productivity tasks, but several social media managers and artists are also using their iPads to edit videos, music, and photos.

Instagram-made apps for the iPad. 
It may come as a surprise, but Instagram made a bunch of apps for iPads in particular. Instagram has made two iPad camera apps, Hyperlapse and Boomerang, but not the main App.

This decision to make camera apps for the iPad makes no sense when you consider that cameras on the iPad have never been even remotely comparable to those on the iPhone. So Instagram, making two dedicated camera apps for the iPad but not the basic Instagram app itself, doesn’t make much sense.

Meta killed Instagram alternatives for iPads
Several developers made apps that let users browse Instagram in a better manner than the actual App. However, Instagram changed its API, giving developers access to their apps’ service. Instagram killed the market for iPad app alternatives without making its own.

Web applications can’t compete with properly coded apps
Meta and Instagram insist that the “web-version app” of Instagram’s website is more than good enough. However, it is nowhere close to the native App. Try comparing a dedicated app with the website version of the App, and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

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