The Asus Republic of Gamers (ROG), on Tuesday, 11 May, announced a line-up of gaming ‘weaponry’ at the virtual event titled For Those Who Dare: Unleash the Tiger Inside. As per the press release, two new gaming laptops, namely ROG Zephyrus S17 and ROG Zephyrus M16, were launched globally at this event. The Zephyrus S17 has an 11th Gen Intel Core i9-11900H CPU and a rising optical-mechanical keyboard, enabling superior cooling. The keyboard is lifted at a 5-degree angle, allowing new Arc Flow fans to put cooling air into the laptop. It is equipped with powerful six-speaker audio.
On the other hand, the Zephyrus M16 has impressive high WQHD resolution with a fast 165Hz refresh rate. The new Asus ROG laptop comes equipped with GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU. With a GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU, the gaming device has a high frame rate.
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti and GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPUs will be available in ROG and TUF Gaming notebooks. The press statement released by Asus states that the latest laptops which are powered by the new GPUs will have immersive displays, quiet cooling, and bold designs. These GPU laptops will be suitable for gamers based on their needs.
The Asus laptops that will be equipped with the updated GPUs are the ROG and TUF family laptops. ROG family laptops that include the RTX 3050 Family are Flow X13, Zephyrus M16, Zephyrus G14, Zephyrus G15, and Strix G15/G17 gaming laptops. On the other hand, RTX 3050 Family is also available in the TUF Dash F15, TUF Gaming A15/A17, and TUF Gaming F15/F17 gaming laptops.